Romans 9:3-13 - Pastor David McGee

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Romans 9:3-13Bible

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Pastor David McGee

Date Taught: January 4, 2009

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Life Lessons Referenced
Life Lesson (Romans 9:5)

Our spirituality does not begin and end with our understanding.

Life Lesson (Romans 9:7)

The gospel is not a treasure to be stored but a gift to be shared.

Life Lesson (Romans 9:10)

We should do all we can, while we can, to save as many as we can, so help us God.

Life Lesson (Romans 9:13)

The moral person and the immoral person are both dependent on God’s goodness and grace. The person that thinks they have earned it is far from it.

Verses Referenced and Teaching Notes
Acts 18:2 NKJV
And he found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla (because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to depart from Rome); and he came to them.
Prov 3:5-6 NKJV
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
Acts 15:5 NKJV
But some of the sect of the Pharisees who believed rose up, saying, "It is necessary to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses."
Acts 6:7 NKJV
Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith.
2 Thess 1:8-9 NLT
in flaming fire, bringing judgment on those who don't know God and on those who refuse to obey the Good News of our Lord Jesus. 9 They will be punished with everlasting destruction, forever separated from the Lord and from his glorious power
Jer 31:3 NKJV
The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: "Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.
1 Cor 1:26-29 NLT
26 Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world's eyes, or powerful, or wealthy when God called you. 27 Instead, God deliberately chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose those who are powerless to shame those who are powerful. 28 God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important, 29 so that no one can ever boast in the presence of God.
Isa 55:8-9 NKJV
8 "For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD.
9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
Isa 45:4 NKJV
For Jacob My servant's sake,
And Israel My elect,
I have even called you by your name;
I have named you, though you have not known Me.
Isa 49:16 NKJV
See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands;
Your walls are continually before Me.

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